George Washington, the first President of the United States, suffered from significant dental issues throughout his life. By the time of his inauguration in 1789, he had only one natural tooth remaining. Contrary to popular myth, his dentures were not made of wood. Instead, they were crafted from materials such as human teeth, animal teeth (including those from cows and horses), ivory (possibly from elephants), and various metal alloys.
Washington's dental problems caused him considerable discomfort and affected his appearance. He often complained about ill-fitting dentures that caused his lips to bulge unnaturally. This discomfort is evident in some of his portraits, where his facial features appear distorted.
Additionally, records indicate that Washington purchased teeth from enslaved individuals, which were likely used in his dentures. While he paid for these teeth, it's important to note that enslaved people had little choice in such transactions.
For a more detailed exploration of George Washington's dental history, you can visit the Mount Vernon website: